Laptop mockup showing the telehealth homepage of Wellspan



WellSpan Health

Expanding Access via a Coordinated Virtual Care Partner

Case Study Overview

A glance at key details from the full case study


WellSpan Health serves South Central Pennsylvania and northern Maryland with more than 2,000 employed providers, 220 locations, eight award-winning hospitals, home care and a behavioral health organization.

WellSpan was named one of the “Digital Health Most Wired” health systems by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), underscoring WellSpan’s efforts to lean into innovative technological advances to improve both patient care and the patient experience.


Patient interest in on-demand, 24x7 virtual urgent care grew dramatically during the COVID pandemic and has continued. Unfortunately, most health systems do not have the internal workforce to meet these demands, and as a result, patients either needed to delay their care, inappropriately use an ER or Urgent Care center for a lower complexity issue, or find a third-party virtual care vendor that takes care of them in a non-integrated manner.

Over the past few years, health systems have found that simply connecting to these external vendors was not an ideal solution.


In February 2023, WellSpan entered an innovative collaboration with KeyCare, the nation’s first Epic based virtual care company. The partnership allows WellSpan patients to see virtual providers working on KeyCare’s Epic-based platform. By using Epic’s interoperability functionality, all patient data is shared between the two systems, thus supporting a high quality and efficient experience.

WellSpan began their KeyCare partnership with 24x7 virtual urgent care coverage for both their adult and pediatric populations. The implementation process took under three months to complete, and then patients were able to use WellSpan’s MyChart portal to request on-demand visits with KeyCare using Epic’s new Telehealth Anywhere functionality.

The KeyCare Virtualists could access a patient’s medical history from WellSpan, which was sent over via Epic’s Care Everywhere interoperability functions.


Since the project’s inception, KeyCare has seen more than 10,000 WellSpan patients virtually, with more than 20% being repeat users.

Additionally, WellSpan elected to use the “Client Billing” option, which means that KeyCare re-assigned billing rights to them so they could bill insurance for the visits.

Unlock the full story. Download the case study now for an in-depth look at how our telehealth solutions are transforming healthcare delivery.

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A photo montage of three images featuring KeyCare team members